Back to Reality…

After a beautiful week in Arizona and much needed decompressing, I’m back home now and reality hits… I reflect on the last week and try to carry over my vacation to the present time. I realize that maybe not on purpose I always seemed to be rushing or 5 steps ahead of my thoughts.

I would wake up each morning last week without any worries and just went with the flow. It felt really good. It really put some of my life into perspective and I told myself that I really need to slow down and take things as they come. In other words, “stop sweating the small stuff.” Now I know this isn’t always easy for me, but I found that I was happier and able to function better through out my day.

It also helped that my dear friend that I was staying with is a very positive and very happy go lucky person. Her personality exudes happiness and it really started rubbing off on me.

So, with all of this being said, I’m going to work really hard on keeping a positive outlook and try my hardest not to “sweat the small stuff” and take things one step at a time.

Photo by Binti Malu on
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As always: Keep Smiling! (:


Sometimes the term “Getting out of Dodge” is the perfect saying.  As for me I did just that. I had this planned vacation and it couldn’t have come at the best time.  I flew out last Saturday from Seattle to Phoenix.  Just hours before “snowmageddon” hit the Seattle area. Now albeit beautiful. Seattle snow just proves to be hazardous and stressful to most that live there.

branch cold freezing frost
Photo by Pixabay on

My trip had been planned for a few months with the purpose of visiting my good friend and much needed decompressing from my last years life changing events.

After getting off the plane in Phoenix, I immediately felt the stress melt off me and an instant big smile on my face when seeing my friend and the BEAUTIFUL sunshine!

The last few days here have been the best stress reliever. I guess you never know how much certain events can have on your mind and body until you stop and slow everything down.  I’ve woken up happy everyday and laughter with my friend is constant.

It really makes you stop and think about the importance of decompressing once in awhile. I feel more energetic, happy and just all around good.

Note to self: do this more!!!

As always: Keep smiling! 🙂

Photo by Matthew T Rader on


New Year, New Decade, New Beginnings…

Happy New Year!!!  Hard to believe we’ve entered a new decade.  As I look back on this past year and decade I realize I’ve been through so many ups and downs and changes.

The most recent is starting my life over after divorce. It’s been a roller coaster of a year. Living on my own and doing things alone. When for many years having a house full of family around and now there’s just me.  It’s kind of an uber empty nest thing going on. It really is an adjustment and I’m trying to find the best way to navigate all these changes with out going down a rabbit hole of darkness.

It brings up many questions of what I want to do with my life now and where I want to be. I just know I have to remain positive and keep moving forward.

Cheers to a new year, new decade and new beginnings!

As always, keep smiling!  🙂

happy new year text
Photo by Jill Wellington on